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September 21, 2008

Flying with ropes???

this here is what we call it as flying fox where a person descends from higher to lower ground by gliding on a rope with the help of a system..
Apparently my picture was not taken when i was gliding down so i borrowed my friend's picture and there she is with a big smile thanking god that she reaches the end of the line...sorry Wani...

The equipment involve in this activity is almost the same as the equipment used is abseling activity where you have the carabena, figure of eight, the kernmentle ropes and so on..but there are also other equipmant which the flying fox activity requires such as the pulley if i am not mistaken...the pulley, carabena, figure of eight and sling are connected together to form a system which is used to glide a person on the ropes of the flying fox..

The Activity...

In order to start the activity, we need to tie the kernmentle static rope to an anchor which is strong enough at two ends to make a main line and a safety line..the main line is where the person decending will be attached to and the safety line is the support to the particular person in case trouble occurs at the main line..we use the clove hitch knot to hold the safety line and a double clove hitch knot to hold the main line at the upper anchor and a prussic rope with a prussic knot to hold the main line at the lower main anchor which is then supported by the kernmentle static rope at a secondary for the safety line at the lower anchor, we use the butterfly knot and the clove hitch to hold the safety line in join together the prussic rope with the kernmentle rope at the main line was a really difficult job,a system which is roughly called the 'z system' is needed to make sure both ropes are tightly secured and tensed by using a pulley arranged in a zig zag position...we were lucky that abg muz was there that day to help us and thus the activity was a this activity, there is a despatcher and a stopper/braker...the despatcher is of course the person in charge on releasing the person descending and the braker is the person responsible in stopping the descending person from hitting the anchor at the lower end of the line...well, thats all for this Flying Fox activity from me...cant wait to tell the management games activity next week to you guys/girls out stay tuned...hehe..


wegreentheearth said...

not only me there to help that day rite..

paklong said... abg mus yg ikat tali kt angkor bwh 2 kn???bukan nk kate faci yg laen x tolong,cume nk tekankn yg tali kt angkor bwh 2 abg mus yg ikat..2je..sory..

wegreentheearth said...

only for the equalize system..
tarik problem..

yazilahyazir said...

Salam to all,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf zahir dan batin..
Semoga ceria bersama keluarga..

Ikhlas dari,
Yazilah & Family